In 2008, I started a line of custom designed T-shirts that feature the unique treasures of Northern Michigan. From spending Michigan nights by the bonfire, to taking the family out for ice cream, these T-shirts appeal to all ages and capture the fun of summer vacations in Michigan. I decided to make it an extension of my graphic design business and called it Michigan Nightlife after my signature brand icon. My shirts could only be found in select retailers in Northern Michigan and during my one day booth sale at Bear Lake Days.
I would spend the hours traveling up US 31 to our summer cottage brainstorming T-shirt ideas that celebrate everything I love about Michigan. Four years ago, I started to use these ideas to create fun Northern Michigan T-shirts as gifts for my family and friends.
My first design was a funny take on the lack of nightlife in Bear Lake outside sitting by the bonfire. The Michigan Nightlife© design was launched in 2009 and it's been a fan favorite ever since. Soon, people would stop my family members to ask where they could buy the nightlife shirt. I decided to put the design to the test with a booth at the Bear Lake Days Arts and Crafts Show. The feedback was all positive and I realized there is a need for creative shirt designs that highlight the unique aspects of the area.
Up until 2011, these shirt designs could only be found in select Northern Michigan stores and during the one day Arts and Craft show during Bear Lake Days. In July of 2011, the online website was launched at Michigan-Nightlife.com. The e-commerce site has a wide selection of T-shirts in Men's, Women's and Youth sizes that include all his top sellers including Michigan Nightlife, Michipolitan©, Lake Michigan: Some Lakes are Greater Than Others©, and custom Bear Lake, Michigan designs.
My passion for Northern Michigan is why I started designing t-shirts.The enjoyment of seeing someone else sharing that same passion is what keeps me excited to bring you more fun ideas.
Thank you for supporting our small business.